August 31, 2023 Sister Rose Marie’s Final Profession (see full album of pictures here) “Although you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy” – 1 Peter 1:8 Last Tuesday, the Feast of the Queenship of Mary, I was given the great blessing of making my Perpetual Profession of Vows. In the months leading up to this day, I was filled with ever greater gratitude for this gift! From my earliest days, God had set me apart to be His own. At last I was to give my total ‘yes’ to His plan! The day was filled with joy from beginning to end, with family and friends coming from near and far to celebrate with us. But the greatest expression of joy was in the Liturgy itself. As I stood waiting for the entrance procession to form, the butterflies began to increase, but stopped suddenly when the Sisters began to sing, “O veni, Sponsa Christi, veni” (O Come, spouse of Christ, come) I am His, and He is mine! And how beautiful that this gift of self is made within the framework of the Holy Mass. My thoughts were spinning as the Mass began. But then I looked up at the crucifix, the image of my Spouse Who sacrificed Himself for me. And from that moment on, my focus was fixed upon declaring my ‘yes’, to be united with Him in His sacrifice. What joy! Whatever God has planned for the rest of my life, one thing is certain. This is a supernatural road, and I will need a constant gift of grace to follow in a way pleasing to Him. Please continue to pray for me, and for all Religious, that we may faithfully accomplish His will in all things! (see full album of pictures here)