January 22, 2024 Pray for St. Joseph’s Aid in this Project! Dear Family and Friends, I am writing you to ask for your prayers and support as we begin to repair damage from a serious storm water issue affecting our pond. Many of you know that the drainage retention pond was required by ADEM Alabama Department of Environmental Management when we originally cleared the land and began the building. The damage to the pond has gotten considerably worse and more costly over the past several years. There has been a tremendous increase in volume and speed of storm water run-off onto our property due to land developments north of I 459 (Bainbridge housing development and the Mercedes dealership). This has resulted in periodic flooding, massive inflows of silt from other properties, and erosion to our retention pond wall on one side (where the road is closest to the pond). Our dear friend Alain Gallet (Senior Vice President Terracon Geotechnical) who has worked with us since we began building in 1993, directed an impact study on the increased amount of storm water and the damage to the property. Alain is evaluating options and solutions to the underlying problem of the water entering the property. In the meantime, we are immediately beginning to repair and forestall any future erosion on the pond banks – a substantial challenge! We ask for your prayers as we seek the help of those who have the authority and ability to correct the underlying situation so our property can be preserved. Please join us in praying daily for this intention and asking for St. Joseph’s and the Holy Spirit’s guidance and assistance in this work. You are in our daily prayers, with gratitude, Mother Louise Marie Sister Servants of the Eternal Word The influx of water during frequent heavy rains washes out the road and floods the pond The same bank as currently seenNote how the bank is being washed awayThe water entering from 459 side (right) overwhelms the inlet and drainage ditch and flows over the road into the pondWe have repeatedly dredged the pond to maintain its depth. All this silt is from other properties.