June 24, 2023 Mailing Day at Casa Maria Some of you have asked to see more posts about what happens during ordinary daily life at Casa Maria – here’s a regular event at home that you might enjoy seeing! We try to send you a newsletter three or four times a year, but did you know how many hands pitch in to make it possible? There’s all the pictures that are taken with newsletters in mind, then the designing, proofing, printing… Then, once the newsletter arrives at the convent, we all enjoy taking a peek! Then, we clear out the reception room and set it up as a workroom. On average, we send 8,500-9,000 newsletters every mailing! The day before mailing, we set up two tables for stuffing envelopes, one for sealing, and a big table for labeling. Don’t worry Sister, help is on the way!We’ve learned the bulk mailing way to sealVolunteers start to arriveThe kids help carry envelopes between different stations Sister Clare Marie makes sure everything runs smoothly!Label away!The envelopes start to pile up…The boys take care of the heavy liftingOff to the car! Ready to go to the Post Office!Putting things back in place at the end of the day And before you know it, the latest newsletter will be in your mailbox – hope you enjoy it!