June 29, 2021

Corpus Christi 2021 at Casa Maria

Every year, we look forward to the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Corpus Christi. In years past, the Mass would be immediately followed by a long Eucharistic procession around our parking lot with the Sisters, several flower girls and altar boys, and a very large congregation. Many of you have joined us in the past and look forward to this celebration as much as we do!

This year, with Corpus Christi not falling on one of our weekend retreats, we had the honor of Fr. Anthony Mary from the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word celebrating our Corpus Christi Mass and Procession with Fr. Leonard Mary joining him to concelebrate.

Fr. Anthony preached a beautiful homily reflecting on the words of the Ave Verum Corpus and the movie, I Am David. With Father’s permission, we share his homily with you:

This year’s procession was simpler than those of past years due to the pandemic. We had originally planned to have Fr. Anthony process with the Blessed Sacrament in our courtyard beneath our beautiful baldacchino, but we woke up to a windy, stormy day. We quickly shifted gears and decided that we would have a Eucharistic procession down our hallway as we do on the Saturday night of each of our weekend retreats. At the end of Mass, the rain stopped long enough to allow us to move the procession back to the courtyard at the last minute.

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